कर्मवीर एज्युकेशन

कर्मवीर एज्युकेशन या शैक्षणिक ब्लॉगवर आपले स्वागत आहे , MAHESH PATIL 7387125608 .

Motivational Video

About us


KARMAVEER EDUCATION is a website runned by prof. MAHESH PATIL SIR. In this website you will get all information related to MPSC, UPSC and ALL COMPITITVE EXAM also yo will get motivational videos realted to study. We will also to provide TEST SERIES for every topic of uploaded lecture on youtube. We will regularly information related to MPSC , UPSC and ALL COMPTITVE EXAM I myself will provide editorials on current affairs. I will also express my views on current subjects in news. You will get all relevant information on this website also on youtube.

  If you have any kind of problem regarding website, then you can inform by us mailing at maheshp630@gmail.com, apart from this if you have any suggestion , we will help you.